Class ChangeSingleLegMode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    PlanStrategyModule, GenericPlanStrategyModule<Plan>

    public class ChangeSingleLegMode
    extends AbstractMultithreadedModule
    Changes the transportation mode of one leg in a plan to a randomly chosen mode, given a list of possible modes. Insures that the newly chosen mode is different from the existing mode (if possible) By default, the module chooses between "car" and "pt". If other modes should be used, it can be done so in the configuration. Also, this module is able to (optionally) respect car-availability:
     <module name="changeMode">
       <!-- provide a comma-separated list of leg modes -->
       <param name="modes" value="car,walk,bike" />
       <param name="ignoreCarAvailability" value="false" />
    See Also: