Class AbstractTourConstraint

    • Method Detail

      • validateBeforeEstimation

        public boolean validateBeforeEstimation​(List<DiscreteModeChoiceTrip> tour,
                                                List<String> modes,
                                                List<List<String>> previousModes)
        Description copied from interface: TourConstraint
        This function is called before any estimation of utilities for a tour is happening. If it returns true, the given modes are a feasible option (at least before estimating the routing etc.) for the tour. If it returns false, the given modes will not be considered further as an alternative for the tour. Since tour decisions are performed one after another the previousModes argument contains a list of modes that have been chosen for earlier tours in the plan.
        Specified by:
        validateBeforeEstimation in interface TourConstraint
      • validateAfterEstimation

        public boolean validateAfterEstimation​(List<DiscreteModeChoiceTrip> tour,
                                               TourCandidate candidate,
                                               List<TourCandidate> previousCandidates)
        Description copied from interface: TourConstraint
        This function is called after a tour is estimated. If it returns true, the given modes are a feasible option for the tour, while false indicates that these mode alternatives should not be considered anymore. Since tour decisions are performed one after another the previousCandidates argument contains a list of candidates that have been chosen for earlier tours in the plan.
        Specified by:
        validateAfterEstimation in interface TourConstraint