Class QGisWriter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.matsim.core.api.internal.MatsimSomeWriter, org.matsim.core.api.internal.MatsimWriter

    public class QGisWriter
    implements org.matsim.core.api.internal.MatsimWriter
    Writer that creates a QuantumGIs project file (*.qgs).
    • Constructor Detail

      • QGisWriter

        public QGisWriter​(String crs,
                          String workingDir)
        Creates a new instance of a QGis project file (*.qgs) writer. Coordinate reference system and working directory are mandatory for writing the file. Layers have to be added separately with the method addLayer. If no layers were added, the writer creates an empty project file.

        After calling the constructor you have to set the envelope (starting view) manually.
        crs - coordinate reference system of the network / spatial data
        workingDir - the directory in which all generated files (shapefiles, qgs file) are put.