Constant Field Values




  • org.matsim.core.gbl.Gbl 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String ABSORBED_INTO_CORE "This execution path is no longer supported. The functionality has been absorbed into the core."
    public static final String CONTROLER_IS_NOW_FINAL "The Controler class is now final. Everything that used to be possible by inheritance should now be doable by other constructs. See tutorial.programming.* for examples. Please talkto MZ or KN if you would like to get help. kai, may\'15"
    public static final String COPY_PASTE_FROM_CORE_NO_LONGER_WORKING "Another solution for this has been found in the core, and thus this copy-and-paste from the core is no longer working."
    public static final String CREATE_ROUTING_ALGORITHM_WARNING_MESSAGE "This class wants to overwrite createRoutingAlgorithm(), which is no longer possible. Making createRoutingAlgorithm() non-final would not help since, after recent code changes, it is only used during initialization but not in replanning. kai, may\'13. Aborting ..."
    public static final String FUTURE_SUPPRESSED " Future occurences of this logging statement are suppressed."
    public static final String INVALID "invalid"
    public static final String LOAD_DATA_IS_NOW_FINAL "controler.loadData() is now final. If you need this functionality, use ScenarioUtils.loadScenario(...), then modify the scenario, then pass it into new Controler( scenario ). Talk to MZ or KN if you need help. kai, may\'15"
    public static final String NOT_IMPLEMENTED "not implemented"
    public static final String ONLYONCE " This message given only once."
    public static final String PROBLEM_WITH_ACCESS_EGRESS "When the TripRouter also generates access/egress legs, within-day replanning needs to sort out if it wants that, or if it just wants to replan the current leg. kai, feb\'16"
    public static final String RETROFIT_CONTROLER "The Controler class is now final. Everything that used to be possible by inheritance should now be doable by other constructs. See tutorial.programming.* for examples. Please talkto MZ or KN if you would like to get help. kai, may\'15 I tried to adapt this to new syntaxbut please check functionality. kai, mar\'15"
    public static final String RUN_MOB_SIM_NO_LONGER_POSSIBLE "overriding runMobSim() no longer possible. use the following syntax instead:\ncontroler.addOverridingModule(new AbstractModule(){\n@Override public void install() {\nthis.bindMobsim().toProvider(MyMobsimProvider.class) ;\n}\n});\nSee, e.g., the RunMobsimWithMultipleModeVehiclesExample class under tutorial.*. Talk to MZ or KN if you need help. kai, may\'15"
    public static final String SEPARATOR "****************************"
    public static final String SET_UP_IS_NOW_FINAL "controler.setUp() is now final. You should be able to do whatever you need to do with a ControlerStartupListener. Please talk to MZ or KN if you have difficulties. kai, may\'15"
    public static final String WRONG_IMPLEMENTATION "wrong implementation of interface; "
  • org.matsim.facilities.Facility 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String FACILITY_NO_LONGER_IDENTIFIABLE "After refactoring, facility does not longer automatically implement Identifiable. Don\'t know what to do."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String BOARDING_ACCEPTANCE_CMT "under which conditions agent boards transit vehicle"
    public static final String GROUP_NAME "transit"
    public static final String TRANSIT_ATTRIBUTES_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE "using the separate transit stops and lines attribute files is deprecated. Add the information directly into each stop or line, using the Attributable feature. If you insist on continuing to use the separate attribute files, set insistingOnUsingDeprecatedAttributeFiles to true. The files will then be read, but the values will be entered into each stop or line using Attributable, and written as such to output_transitSchedule."
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String GROUP_NAME "transitRouter"