Interface Network

    • Method Detail

      • getNodes

        Map<Id<Node>,​? extends NodegetNodes()
        Returns a set of this network's nodes. This set might be empty, but it should not be null.
        a set of this network's nodes
      • getLinks

        Map<Id<Link>,​? extends LinkgetLinks()
        Returns a set of this network's links. This set might be empty, but it should not be null.
        a set of this network's links
      • getCapacityPeriod

        double getCapacityPeriod()
        Returns the time period over which the capacity of the given links has been measured. The default is given in the dtd. Currently (may'11) it is 1h = 3600.0 sec.

        • There is no setter for this value since API-based network generation code should not use anything else but the default. The default is in the network dtd, but it is an attribute under "links", not under "network".
        the time period in seconds
      • getEffectiveLaneWidth

        double getEffectiveLaneWidth()
        Returns the lane width of the network's links. The default is given in the dtd; current (may'11) it is 3.75m.

        • There is no setter for this value since API-based network generation code should not use anything else but the default.
        the lane width in meters
      • removeNode

        Node removeNode​(Id<Node> nodeId)
        Removes the node with the specified Id from the network, along with all links connected to that node. The return value corresponds to the behavior of Map.remove(Object)
        nodeId - node to be removed
        the removed node, or null if no such node was found
      • removeLink

        Link removeLink​(Id<Link> linkId)
        Removes the link with the specified Id from the network and removes it as in- or out-Links of its to- and from-Node, but does not remove any node this link is connected to. The return value corresponds to the behavior of Map.remove(Object)
        linkId - node to be removed
        the removed link, or null if no such link was found