001/* *********************************************************************** *
002 * project: org.matsim.*
003 * OTFLaneModelBuilder
004 *                                                                         *
005 * *********************************************************************** *
006 *                                                                         *
007 * copyright       : (C) 2012 by the members listed in the COPYING,        *
008 *                   LICENSE and WARRANTY file.                            *
009 * email           : info at matsim dot org                                *
010 *                                                                         *
011 * *********************************************************************** *
012 *                                                                         *
013 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
014 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
015 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
016 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
017 *   See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file                           *
018 *                                                                         *
019 * *********************************************************************** */
020package org.matsim.lanes;
022import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
023import java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double;
024import java.util.List;
025import java.util.Map;
027import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Coord;
028import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id;
029import org.matsim.api.core.v01.network.Link;
030import org.matsim.core.utils.collections.Tuple;
031import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.CoordinateTransformation;
032import org.matsim.vis.snapshotwriters.SnapshotLinkWidthCalculator;
033import org.matsim.vis.snapshotwriters.VisLink;
034import org.matsim.vis.vecmathutils.VectorUtils;
037 * @author dgrether
038 */
039public final class VisLaneModelBuilder {
041//      private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VisLaneModelBuilder.class);
043        public void recalculatePositions(VisLinkWLanes linkData, SnapshotLinkWidthCalculator linkWidthCalculator) {
044//              log.error("recalculatePositions...");
045                double linkWidth = linkWidthCalculator.calculateLinkWidth(linkData.getNumberOfLanes()) ;
046                linkData.setLinkWidth(linkWidth);
047                Point2D.Double linkStartCenter = this.calculatePointOnLink(linkData, 0.0, 0.5);
048                linkData.setLinkStartCenterPoint(linkStartCenter);
049                if (linkData.getLaneData() == null || linkData.getLaneData().isEmpty()){
050                        //Calculate end point center
051                        double x = linkData.getLinkEnd().x + (0.5 * linkWidth * linkData.getLinkOrthogonalVector().x);
052                        double y = linkData.getLinkEnd().y + (0.5 * linkWidth * linkData.getLinkOrthogonalVector().y);
053                        linkData.setLinkEndCenterPoint(new Point2D.Double(x, y));
054//                      log.error("link " + linkData.getLinkId() + " without lanes starts at " + linkData.getLinkStartCenterPoint() + " and ends at " + x + " " + y + " but " + linkData.getLinkEnd());
055                }
056                else {
057                        double numberOfLinkParts = (2 * linkData.getMaximalAlignment()) + 2;
058//                      log.error("link with lanes " + linkData.getLinkId() + " starts at " + linkData.getLinkStart() + " and ends at " + linkData.getLinkEnd());
059                        for (VisLane lane : linkData.getLaneData().values()){
060                                double horizontalFraction = 0.5 - (lane.getAlignment() / numberOfLinkParts);
061                                Point2D.Double laneStart = calculatePointOnLink(linkData, lane.getStartPosition(), horizontalFraction);
062                                Point2D.Double laneEnd = calculatePointOnLink(linkData, lane.getEndPosition(), horizontalFraction);
063                                lane.setStartEndPoint(laneStart, laneEnd);
064//                              log.error("lane " + lane.getId() + " starts at " + laneStart + " ends at " + laneEnd);
065                                if (lane.getNumberOfLanes() >= 2.0){
066                                        double noLanesFloor = Math.floor(lane.getNumberOfLanes());
067                                        double laneOffset = - noLanesFloor / 2 * linkWidthCalculator.getLaneWidth();
068                                        if (noLanesFloor % 2 == 0){
069                                                laneOffset = laneOffset + (linkWidthCalculator.getLaneWidth()/2);
070                                        }
071                                        for (int i = 1; i <= noLanesFloor; i++){
072                                                Point2D.Double drivingLaneStart = this.calcPoint(laneStart, linkData.getLinkOrthogonalVector(), laneOffset);
073                                                Point2D.Double drivingLaneEnd = this.calcPoint(laneEnd, linkData.getLinkOrthogonalVector(), laneOffset);
074                                                lane.addDrivingLane(i, drivingLaneStart, drivingLaneEnd);
075                                                laneOffset = laneOffset + linkWidthCalculator.getLaneWidth();
076                                        }
077                                }
078                        }
079                }
080        }
082        private Point2D.Double calculatePointOnLink(final VisLinkWLanes laneLinkData, final double position, final double horizontalFraction) {
083                Point2D.Double lenghtPoint = this.calcPoint(laneLinkData.getLinkStart(), laneLinkData.getNormalizedLinkVector(), position);
084                return this.calcPoint(lenghtPoint, laneLinkData.getLinkOrthogonalVector(), horizontalFraction * laneLinkData.getLinkWidth());
085        }
087        public Point2D.Double calcPoint(Point2D.Double start, Point2D.Double vector, double distance){
088                double x = start.getX() + (distance * vector.x);
089                double y = start.getY() + (distance * vector.y);
090                return new Point2D.Double(x, y);
091        }
093        private VisLane createVisLane(ModelLane qlane, double linkLength, double linkScale, double linkLengthCorrectionFactor) {
094                String id = qlane.getLaneData().getId().toString();
095                double startPosition = (linkLength -  qlane.getLaneData().getStartsAtMeterFromLinkEnd()) * linkScale * linkLengthCorrectionFactor;
096                double endPosition = startPosition + (qlane.getLength() *  linkScale * linkLengthCorrectionFactor);
097//              log.error("lane " + qlane.getId() + " starts at: " + startPosition + " and ends at : " +endPosition);
098                int alignment = qlane.getLaneData().getAlignment();
099                VisLane lane = new VisLane(id);
100                lane.setStartPosition(startPosition);
101                lane.setEndPosition(endPosition);
102                lane.setAlignment(alignment);
103                lane.setNumberOfLanes(qlane.getLaneData().getNumberOfRepresentedLanes());
104                return lane;
105        }
109        public void connect(Map<String, VisLinkWLanes> otfNetwork){
110                for (VisLinkWLanes otfLink : otfNetwork.values()){
111                        if (otfLink.getLaneData() == null || otfLink.getLaneData().isEmpty()){
112                                if (otfLink.getToLinkIds() != null){
113                                        for (String toLinkId : otfLink.getToLinkIds()){
114                                                VisLinkWLanes toLink = otfNetwork.get(toLinkId);
115                                                otfLink.addToLink(toLink);
116                                        }
117                                }
118                        }
119                        else {
120                                for (VisLane otfLane : otfLink.getLaneData().values()){
121                                        if (otfLane.getToLinkIds() != null) {
122                                                for (String toLinkId : otfLane.getToLinkIds()){
123                                                        VisLinkWLanes toLink = otfNetwork.get(toLinkId);
124                                                        otfLane.addToLink(toLink);
125                                                }
126                                        }
127                                }
128                        }
129                }
130        }
132        public VisLinkWLanes createVisLinkLanes(CoordinateTransformation transform, VisLink link, double nodeOffsetMeter, List<ModelLane> lanes) {
133//              log.error("");
134//              log.error("link " + link.getLink().getId() + " ... ");
135//              log.debug("  fromNode: " + link.getLink().getFromNode().getId() + " coord: " + link.getLink().getFromNode().getCoord());
136//              log.debug("  toNode: " + link.getLink().getToNode().getId() + " coord: " + link.getLink().getToNode().getCoord());
137                Coord linkStartCoord = transform.transform(link.getLink().getFromNode().getCoord());
138                Coord linkEndCoord = transform.transform(link.getLink().getToNode().getCoord());
139                Point2D.Double linkStart = new Point2D.Double(linkStartCoord.getX(), linkStartCoord.getY());
140                Point2D.Double linkEnd =  new Point2D.Double(linkEndCoord.getX(), linkEndCoord.getY());
142                //calculate length and normal
143                Point2D.Double deltaLink = new Point2D.Double(linkEnd.x - linkStart.x, linkEnd.y - linkStart.y);
144                double euclideanLinkLength = this.calculateEuclideanLinkLength(deltaLink);
145                //calculate the correction factor if real link length is different than euclidean distance
146                double linkLengthCorrectionFactor = euclideanLinkLength / link.getLink().getLength();
147                Point2D.Double deltaLinkNorm = new Point2D.Double(deltaLink.x / euclideanLinkLength, deltaLink.y / euclideanLinkLength);
148                Point2D.Double normalizedOrthogonal = new Point2D.Double(deltaLinkNorm.y, - deltaLinkNorm.x);
150                //first calculate the scale of the link based on the node offset, i.e. the link will be shortened at the beginning and the end 
151                double linkScale = 1.0;
152                if ((euclideanLinkLength * 0.2) > (2.0 * nodeOffsetMeter)){ // 2* nodeoffset is more than 20%
153                        linkScale = (euclideanLinkLength - (2.0 * nodeOffsetMeter)) / euclideanLinkLength;
154                }
155                else { // use 80 % as euclidean length
156                        linkScale = euclideanLinkLength * 0.8 / euclideanLinkLength;
157                }
159                //scale the link 
160                Tuple<Double, Double> scaledLink = VectorUtils.scaleVector(linkStart, linkEnd, linkScale);
161                Point2D.Double scaledLinkEnd = scaledLink.getSecond();
162                Point2D.Double scaledLinkStart = scaledLink.getFirst();
163//              log.error("scaledLinkStart: " + scaledLinkStart + " end: " + scaledLinkEnd);
165                VisLinkWLanes lanesLinkData = new VisLinkWLanes(link.getLink().getId().toString());
166                lanesLinkData.setLinkStartEndPoint(scaledLinkStart, scaledLinkEnd);
167                lanesLinkData.setNormalizedLinkVector(deltaLinkNorm);
168                lanesLinkData.setLinkOrthogonalVector(normalizedOrthogonal);
169                lanesLinkData.setNumberOfLanes(link.getLink().getNumberOfLanes());
171                if (lanes != null){
172                        int maxAlignment = 0;
173                        for (ModelLane lane : lanes){
174                                VisLane visLane = this.createVisLane(lane, link.getLink().getLength(), linkScale, linkLengthCorrectionFactor);
175                                lanesLinkData.addLaneData(visLane);
176                                if (visLane.getAlignment() > maxAlignment) {
177                                        maxAlignment = visLane.getAlignment();
178                                }
179                        }
180                        lanesLinkData.setMaximalAlignment(maxAlignment);
182                        //connect the lanes 
183                        for (ModelLane lane : lanes){
184                                VisLane otfLane = lanesLinkData.getLaneData().get(lane.getLaneData().getId().toString());
185                                if (lane.getToLanes() == null ||  lane.getToLanes().isEmpty()){
186                                        for (Id<Link> id : lane.getLaneData().getToLinkIds()){
187                                                otfLane.addToLinkId(id.toString());
188                                        }
189                                }
190                                else {
191                                        for (ModelLane toLane : lane.getToLanes()){
192                                                VisLane otfToLane = lanesLinkData.getLaneData().get(toLane.getLaneData().getId().toString());
193                                                otfLane.addToLane(otfToLane);
194                                        }
195                                }
196                        }
197                }
198                else {
199                        for (Id<Link> id : link.getLink().getToNode().getOutLinks().keySet()){
200                                lanesLinkData.addToLinkId(id.toString());
201                        }
202                }
204                return lanesLinkData;
205        }
209  private double calculateEuclideanLinkLength(Point2D.Double deltaLink) {
210        return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaLink.x, 2) + Math.pow(deltaLink.y, 2));
211  }