MATSim Benchmark

New MATSim Benchmark v2

We've updated our benchmark to better represent today's use cases of MATSim in September 2022.

The performance of MATSim depends on a lot of different factors:

  • CPU-speed (although by far not always the limiting factor!)
  • Memory-Bus / -Controller (we’re moving huge amounts of memory, the faster the better)
  • File system (local Hard drive vs. RAID vs. NFS vs …)

To get a better understanding, under which circumstances MATSim performs best, we created a simple benchmark (performance test) that runs 20 iterations of a sample scenario with different settings. If you run the benchmark on your machine, we would be happy if you could send us your results.

Download and Installation

Download the zip-file containing the benchmark: (180 MB).

Unzip the downloaded file.

Running the benchmark

On the command line, run the following:

java -Xmx6g -jar matsim-benchmark-2.0.0.jar

This will generate a directory output with some files in it from the run.
The test will usually run between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on your system.
The benchmark can run with Java 11 and Java 17 (and likely other versions, but they were not tested).
If you want to re-run the benchmark, rename or delete the ./output/ directory and run the test again.

Submitting benchmark results

Please send an email to benchmark AT matsim DOT org containing:

  • the file output/stopwatch.txt
  • the file output/logfile.log
  • a description of your benchmark environment, including:
    • vendor of machine (e.g. HP, Dell, Apple, etc.)
    • processor-type (vendor (Intel, AMD, etc.), model-number, clock-speed, cache-size, number of processors and cores, …)
    • memory (bus-speed, memory-controller, etc.)
    • storage system (rpm, cache size, …, type: e.g. local hard drive, RAID, …)
    • operation system
  • any other information you think might be of interest to us

We plan to provide an aggregated analysis of benchmark results once we received a certain amount of results.