MATSim User Meeting 2023
September 05, 2023 Zurich, Switzerland
Abdollahyar et al: Examining demographic heterogeneities in Melbourne's MATSim model ( Abstract)
Alvarez Castro et al: A MATSim model for a low carbon future mobility in the UK context ( Abstract)
Ben Dor et al: Mitigating urban traffic congestion - A multi-modal approach including DRT for Jerusalem ( Abstract)
Bischoff & Kaddoura: Using MATSim for the long-term forecast of passenger demand in Switzerland ( Abstract)
Brulin: Multi-stakeholder interestes in urban transport design: A bi-level optimization approach for activity-based network design problems ( Abstract)
Chouaki & Hörl: Extending the DRT module to enable simulations of pre-booked MoD services ( Abstract)
Diallo et al: Evaluation of the low emission zone according toe the evolution of car-ownership - The Métropole du Grand Paris case study ( Abstract)
Elgohary & Pucci: The role of the MATSim model in assessing Paratransit performance in a data-scarcity context ( Abstract)
Ewert: Open-source based methodology for creating small-scale commercial traffic for MATSim simulations ( Abstract)
Feng et al: Improving bike travel demand generation with dynamic data - An application to the Paris metropolis ( Abstract)
Flötteröd: Approximation of point equilibria in MATSim ( Abstract)
Grishchuk et al: Multiagent transport model for urban planning of the Brno metropolitan area ( Abstract)
Grübel et al: MATSim in the Open Digital Twin Platform ( Abstract)
Ingelström et al: Obtaining spatial charging demand from road transport and analysing the resulting charging infrastructure need using EV contrib ( Abstract)
Kaddoura et al: A large-scale hybrid micro- and mesoscopic simulation approach (railsim) ( Abstract)
Kozlowska & Stone: Simulating active modes with Hermes ( Abstract)
Kwon & Kim: Enhancing deep generative models for distinguishing samplling zeros and structural zeros in population synthesis ( Abstract)
Kirste & Stumpf: evelopments of urban air mobility analyses using multi-agent transport simulation ( Abstract)
Lannes et al: An integrated road traffic-emissions-CTM model chain to assess urban air quality at the street level for the Paris region ( Abstract)
Lu & Maciejewski: Generation of demand-responsive transport scenarios library in MATSim ( Abstract)
Li et al: Shared autonomous vehicles as park-and-ride transfer alternatives towards cities with zero private vehicles - A MATSim simulation study for Brussels, Belgium ( Abstract)
Matus Acuña et al: Integrating MATSim into a comprehensive multi-model platform for analysis and planning of sustainable electromobility scenarios ( Abstract)
Meinhardt & Paltra: Researching the impact of extreme weather events on an on-demand transport service - A case study ( Abstract)
Nassar et al: Dynamic ride-sharing for MATSim – presenting the DRS module ( Abstract)
Pougala et al: Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling desicions - A comparative analysis ( Abstract)
Rybczak: Simulation–based investigation of transport policies - A case study in Gladbeck ( Abstract)
Staves et al: A MATSim-based framework for modelling the influence of the built environment on walkability and cyclability ( Abstract)
Shone & Kozlowska: Batsim - Post processing MATSim for EV energy scenario ( Abstract)
Volotskiy & Smirnov: Introducing Web-based platform for MATSim Scenario development, maintenance, and analysis ( Abstract)