2017 MATSim class at TU Berlin (matsim version 0.9.x)
This is a summary of tutorials of the MATSim class at TU Berlin which is held each year during the summer term. The tutorials provide a step-by-step installation and usage guide for creating your own scenario and policy cases. It does not always go too much into detail (as it is usually taught in a very responsive way in a classroom), so if you need more details about a certain topic, please also consult the MATSim book. All code snippets in this tutorial are direct links to the GitHub repository of MATSim release 0.9.0 (Summer 2017).
It is not recommended to use any other MATSim version with this tutorial.
Access: The tutorial lies within TU Berlin’s e-learning system ISIS but is open for guests. To access as a guest, click “Log in as guest”. Unfortunately, from then on it continues in German, no matter what you do. You will have accept the Site Policy Agreement, called “Nutzungsbedingungen” in German. The pictures below give some idea, but the layout of the site keeps changing.