(0) Download the release and unzip it.
(1) Go the the directory where you find matsim-*.jar
(2) Double click on the MATSim jar file. What opens is what we call the MATSim GUI.
Then type (if you opened the directory on explorer you need to open the command line and type the following command in there)
java -Xmx2000m -cp matsim-0.7.0.jar org.matsim.run.Controler examples/tutorial/config/example5-config.xml
This should produce a new output directory. Meaning of the parameters:
-Xmx2000m : Increases the Java heap space to 2000MB of memory. If you have less memory, try smaller values, but the Java default is too small.
-cp matsim-0.7.0.jar : The jar file (Java library) which contains MATSim. The release number of the jar file you downloaded might be different from the one in this example (0.7.0), so make sure you type in a release number that corresponds to the version you downloaded.
~~org.matsim.run.Controler : The class where the main method for running “iterations” resides. ~~
examples/tutorial/config/example5-config.xml : The xml file that contains all of the configuration of the run. The file can be edited.
Note: if you run the above “org.matsim.run.Controler” line again, you first need to erase the contents of the output directory.
(3) Now it is time to have a look at the output. When the simulation ran,
many files were created in its output directory. Note that the GUI has a
button to reach the output directory. One of the files is a so-called events file,
typically generated for every 10th iteration. The events file for the first
iteration is located in output/ITERS/it.0/run0.0.events.xml.gz
. This contains
a lot of information that can be visualized.
Now, when you start the visualizer (called Via, a free version is
available for download, you should see a large, black area. This is
where the traffic will be visualized. On the left side of this area, you
see a smaller area with 4 icons on the top (“Controls”). Click the first
icon (Data Sources). Now you can either drag and drop files into
this section (e.g. a network.xml
, or events.xml.gz
), or click the “+”
at the bottom to select a file to be added. Use either option to add first
to the list of available data and then events.xml.gz
Now the visualizer knows about our data, and we can tell it how to visualize it.
Next, click on the second icon (“Layers”) in the Controls section.
Initially, you will see only the background layer listed. Click on
the ‘+’ to select the data you want to have displayed. It should already
suggest to visualize the network with the loaded network.xml
, so just
click “Add”. After a short moment, the network should be shown in the
visualization area. Click the ‘+’ again, but this time choose Vehicles as
layer type. The events.xml.gz
file will be already pre-selected.
Click on “Add”. As any layer depending on the events, a
“Load Data” button will appear at the bottom of the layer tag.
Click it to extract the vehicles’ positions from the events.
(4) The logfile, with the above example in output/example5/logfile.log
contains, between a lot of other information, also a dump of a the full
matsim configuration. If there are interesting parameters, you could try
to copy then into your own config file, modify them, and re-run.
In my (kn’s) view, one can actually get quite far in this way, i.e. by just editing the config file. The main problem is how to obtain the network and in particular the so-called initial demand for your own scenario. If you can’t get that from somewhere else, it is probably better to go through the tutorial.