Building a (personal / nightly) release
Note: We are currently deprecating the concept of playgrounds. If you are a new MATSim user, please use MATSim as a regular Java library, and package your package as you would package any other package.
The following information gives instructions how to package a playground with its dependencies, often used to upload it to another machine to execute a compute job. Playgrounds are subfolders in a shared repository, where people host their custom projects.
Creating a release of a playground
Prerequisite: Make sure you have the file assembly-release.xml
in your playground at src/main/assembly
If you are missing this file, you can copy it from playgrounds/_template/src/main/assembly
# install matsim, contribs and playgrounds to local maven repository # (from matsim repository root directory) mvn clean mvn install -DskipTests=true
# from your playground mvn clean mvn -Prelease -DskipTests=true
This will create a file
in your
contrib’s or playground’s target directory containing the release. Unzip it to use it.
Verification for Contrib and Playgrounds
calling java -cp myplayground.jar
should show some
useful build information (revision number and timestamp).
Running your code from the release
If you unzip the created release-zip-file, you’ll find a jar-file of your
contrib/playground, and a “libs” directory. To run your code, simple call
java -cp myplayground.jar arg1 arg2 arg3
(naturally, replacing the filename, classname and actual arguments with correct values).
The Manifest for the release-jars may be special and must be configured in the
plugin-configuration in the pom, thus the release profile (-Prelease
) is used
for the generation of the final zip. This is also the reason why it is important
to clean before building the release, as Maven might not recompile the jar when
just the profile changes, leading to missing entries in the Manifest of
the packaged jar-file.
To see the content of the generated zip file, use the following command to unzip it:
unzip target/ -d target/release
Adding revision information and timestamp is possible with the buildnumber-plugin, but it needs quite some customization. Using the buildnumber-properties in filtered files seems only to work if the buildnumber-plugin is NOT configured in a profile, but in the main part of the pom.