Show Case: BVG

The Berlin transit authority BVG (Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe) was one of the first commercial users of MATSim, having commissioned their first MATSim model back in 2010. The model was used for analyzing the effects of the closure of the airport Berlin Tegel in the north-west of the city and the opening of the new international airport BER located in the south-west of city of Berlin. This model is described in more detail in chapter 53 of the MATSim Book.

Since then, BVG continues to use MATSim to research various challenges if faces with newer upcoming means of transportation. For example, it acted as a partner in the research project "avoev" together with TU Berlin and Universität Duisburg-Essen, where the effects of autonomous vehicles upon the traditional public tranport was researched, as well as how autonomous vehicles could augment the services provided by transit companies.