Open-Data MATSim Models

The following is a list of known scenario data sets that are open and free to use with MATSim. Not all data sets contain all required files to run a MATSim model. Some may only provide a network for example.

Please give credit when using these scenarios.

MATSim-Scenarios on GitHub

There are a number of scenarios available at

VSP, TU Berlin provides a number of scenarios covering smaller and larger German regions, e.g. Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Ruhrgebiet, Kelheim, and more.

Besides these, other provided scenarios cover Mexico-City, Los Angeles, Santiago, Sweden, Paris / Île-de-France, and more.

MATSim-Scenarios from VSP, TU Berlin

Most of the scenarios provided by VSP are now available on GitHub. Some older open source scenarios are still in the SVN directory as follows. The directories are hierarchically organized and should be self-explanatory. VSP tries to provide readme files, but this does not always work:

South Africa

Prof. Johan Joubert (at that time from the University of Pretoria, now KU Leuven) has open sourced some of the scenarios he built, each consisting of a network and a population.

Île-de-France (Paris), France

An open and reproducible simulation scenario for Île-de-France is available here.

Vienna, Austria

The Austrian Institute of Technology AIT has open-sourced their model of Vienna, Austria.

MATSim Test Examples

Some smaller scenarios are directly contained in the MATSim source repository, often used for feature demonstration or tests:

(just a list of links we’ve come across)

A registry of public transit data: .

German public transport:

  • Mobilithek, open data portal for all kinds of transport-related data from Germany.
  •, public transport schedules in GTFS format for Germany.


(this is not necessarily “data”, but links to data and links to visualizations often come together and/or cannot be cleanly separated)

Charging stations in Europe: .

TRAVIC Transit Visualization Client or or .