TRB Innovations in Travel Modeling - call for late breaking research

The organizers of the upcoming TRB Innovations in Travel Modeling conference reached out to me directly to solicit any MATSim-related “late-breaking research”. They are keen to include MATSim on the program.

Specifically there are some “gaps” in the content that they think MATSim talks could fill:

  • New approaches for representing network supply
  • Approaches to understanding and representing shared mobilities

The organizers are considering a “special issue” of TRR (Transportation Research Record) so that submissions have a place to be published – which is specifically being done to encourage academic contributions this time.

More details below:

Did you want to be on the program for the TRB Innovations in Travel Modeling Conference but didn’t have anything to submit back when the call for content was out last summer?

Are you working on something new and interesting that we should know about?

Do you have “something to say” about one of these specific topics that we are building sessions around:

  • Machine learning applications in travel analysis
  • Approaches utilized for considering uncertainty in forecasts and case studies for the considering uncertainty in decision-making.
  • Modeling methodologies to address dynamics in travel behavior and demand
  • Approaches to understanding and representing shared mobilities
  • Generalizable travel model construction methodologies and strategies
  • New approaches for representing network supply
  • Travel analysis and research workflow examples (aka we can be efficient and effective at our jobs)
  • Travel analysis “software stack” examples (aka what tools do you use)
  • A data standards that the industry should know about and use

The Innovations in Travel Modeling Conference Planning Team is seeking limited content submissions thru March 3rd.

Submissions can be made online at:

These will have a quick turn-around in order to meet the Early Bird Registration Deadline of March 15th

For more general conference information and to get your Early Bird Registration squared away, please visit the conference website.


Elizabeth Sall, on behalf of the TRB ITM 2020 Innovations in Travel Modeling Conference Planning Team