ABM Modelling job opportunity in UAE
CDM Smith engineering company is offering a job opportunity in UAE for two modelling experts with activity-based as well as agent-based modelling experience. Here are the job descriptions:
Modelling Specialist 1: The candidate should have a minimum of 10 years of experience developing tour-based activity-driven transport models and freight modeling. Experience with DSTM Is for this role; and
Modeling Specialist 2: The candidate should have a minimum of 10 years of experience in transport modeling. Experience In the development of agent-based activity-driven transport modeling is a must for this role. Experience with use of agent-based activity driven transport model for the assessment of new form of transport technologies and services Is desirable for this role;
Key Requirements:
- Demonstrated experience working on multidisciplinary transport projects, with medium and high complexity;
- Strong understanding of theoretical transport modelling concepts and application. Participate In the development and application of the strategic transportation models;
- Transport model development with tasks Including but not limited to model building, calibration/validation, model testing and auditing, checking and analysis of model outputs;
- Good experience with the latest methodologies, processes and software packages (VISUM, CUBE, etc);
- Model development experience both traditional activity-based models and agent-based models;
- Hands-on experience in development and preparation of travel daily survey and SP design;
- Experience in analysis and Interpretation of outputs from transport modelling software packages;
The contract person for further information on these positions is Dr. Afaf Al Azzawi, Transportation & Traffic Manager at CDM Smith. alazzawia@cdmsmith.com